Saturday, February 20, 2010

I confused myself with my own fantasy

Finally, i get to use the computer.

if u wonder why did i just say that, i'll tell u. that's because i am too busy to use the computer.
add maths is seriously killing me. n i have a lot of homework! it's like a mountain. i hate my add maths teacher. she is a meanie. that's why she is not married. grr.

chemistry is kinda confusing. mole, molecule, atom, ion, particle. it's just confusing. n there's mitochondria in bio. what does that do? physics teacher is lousy. i need help. i need tuition. i wish that i'm super smart!


it's CNY. a boring one. 'cause my mom is sick. didn't go visiting for 2 days alry. n nobody visited us. so it's boring. n i had gambled twice only! that just shows how boring my CNY is.

hmm... i dunno what else is there 2 blog about...

oh! pls listen 2 Justin Bieber's new single. it's called Baby. nice song. i heart it!

my dad bought Tokio Hotel's new album, Humanoid, for me as x'mas present! my next mission is to buy Justin Bieber's album.

i think i'll just stop here. i know i hadn't been updating my blog for, like, 2 months but i really have nothing to blog abt rite now. maybe i'll blog again if i have smth to blog about. right now, i'll watch Justin Bieber's video n after that, i'll sleep.

good nite n toodles!

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