Tuesday, October 13, 2009



I dunno i've been waiting 4 tis day 4 how long alry. i've been counting down since ... i dun even rmbr when. but it's finally here! it's here! i'm so happy!

ok, lets talk abt pmr. i felt quite comfortable in d exam room n not as anxious or nervous as i was b4 going into d room. n i'm not d last one in my centre! n i think it's quite easy. n i think i will get a 4 sejarah. can u believe it? i jz said dat i think i will get a 4 sejarah! i got b 4 every single test n exam 4 sejarah tis year. all r close 2 a. i thought i wouldn't get a 4 sejarah. geography is super easy. i'm sure dat i'll get a 4 dat. maths is jz a piece of cake. dat'll b an a too. science paper 2 n bm paper 1 r quite hard. but lets not think abt it anymore. coz it's over!!

today is my b'day. b'day on d last day of pmr. how special it is. n wat a coincidence. i didn't wan 2 let d whole class 2 know abt my b'day, especially our asst monitor, coz they'll sing d b'day song 4 me (in different languages), n i won't know how 2 react. but elise is a traitor. she said it out loud 2 let d group of ppl hu r wif us 2 know. n every one in dat room started 2 sing d b'day song in english n mandarin. i didn't know how 2 react n jz smiled n laughed n used d bk dat i was holding 2 cover half of my face. i must hav looked weird. ne way, thank u! ^^

n thank u 2 those hu had wished me 'happy b'day'. my dad was d 1st 2 wish me. he wished me at around 12:30 am. followed by evelyn. i woke up in d morning n saw her sms. d 3rd ppl 2 wish me was my mom. n it goes on n on...

i told u dat i would post d pic of my gorgeous watch a long time ago rite? i wanted 2 post it in tis entry but dat stupid computer lag. so, i'll either post it tmr or in d next entry. promise.

oo. n i told myself not 2 sleep b4 12 am. it's 11:55 pm now. so, i guess i'll off d computer n go 2 bed. by dat time, my b'day will b over.

so, toodles n gud nite, sleep tight, dun let d bed bugs bite! ^^

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