Thursday, August 20, 2009

I wanna

Oh.. i feel so embarassing 2 say this. (inhale) i didn't go 2 d mtvws. fuck. dun ask me y. coz i dun wanna talk abt it. coz it will jz make me sad, angry n disappointed. well, wasted 4 passes. didn't giv them 2 anyone nor selling it. coz i think dat if i can't go, others hu didn't win d passes don't deserve 2 go. coz they didn't make an effort 2 get d passes. do u xpect me 2 jz giv or sell it 2 u like dat? NO WAY!!!

trial exam is over! i almost got As 4 history n maths. for now, i got As 4 english, geo n kh. i dunno abt others yet. hopefully, i'll get As 4 other subjects.

last saturday was my worst saturday. bcoz:
1. at d vry last minute, i found dat nobody was going 2 mtvws wif me. so, i can't go.
2. i didn't go shopping. coz my fren's father caught 2 freaking fishes. n we had dat freaking dinner wif them. i hadn't go shopping 4 2 freaking weeks! n this is driving me crazy! nxt time, if u hav caught any freaking fish, pls go n ask any other freaking hu-knows-whoever-dat-person-is 2 hav dat freaking dinner wif u. jz dun ask us 2 hav it wif u! biatch! dope!

ich hasse dich!

still unhappy. toodles.

P.S abt d mtvws thingy, it's embarassing 2 say dat i didn't go bcoz i was so xcited abt it n i was showing off abt it A LOT!

another P.S to dat person hu always borrow bks from me (not elise. pls dun misunderstand.), fyi, i'm NOT borrowing bks 2 u anymore. go n buy ur own bks! n 2 any other ppl except elise, i am NOT borrowing bks 2 any of u. coz u made my bks grow old!

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